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Picture of Aaron Rubens

Aaron Rubens

Aaron Rubens is the Co-Founder and CEO of Kudoboard Inc., a platform primarily used for workplace appreciation on special occasions, company events, and everything in-between. Rubens, a Tulane graduate with an MBA from Harvard Business School, brings a rich background in education and technology.
Picture of Aaron Rubens

Aaron Rubens

Aaron Rubens is the Co-Founder and CEO of Kudoboard Inc., a platform primarily used for workplace appreciation on special occasions, company events, and everything in-between. Rubens, a Tulane graduate with an MBA from Harvard Business School, brings a rich background in education and technology.
Top Benefits of HR Tech Hyper-Automation - TalentCulture

The Top Benefits of HR Tech Hyper-Automation

As artificial intelligence continues to spread across the business landscape, it is transforming work in countless ways. For example, thanks to AI, we’re entering a new era of hyper-automation. Of course, businesses have been automating mundane and repetitive tasks for decades. But hyper-automation goes much farther, by making it much faster, cheaper, and easier to re-engineer entire business processes. So, what exactly can hyper-automation do (and cannot do)? And how can organizations benefit? First, it’s important to understand which processes are likely to be turned over to algorithms, which will always require human expertise, and which benefit from a combination of

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