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Contributor Guidelines
Business Leaders, HR Practitioners & Subject Matter Experts
Thanks for your interest in contributing to TalentCulture! We welcome content from current/former HR practitioners, business leaders, and subject matter experts who want to showcase thought leadership with our community.
We are looking for unique perspectives that explore the future of work. All content must be original and not previously published elsewhere. Please note this is a selective process, and you will hear from us if we feel your content aligns with our editorial goals. (Check our monthly themes.) Also please include your theme in the subject line when you submit ideas to us via email.
Our loyal audience is a diverse, global mix of HR, talent, and recruiting practitioners, business leaders, analysts, marketers, and entrepreneurs. They engage with TalentCulture for the high-quality content, context, and connections they need to stay informed about key workplace issues and trends.
TO SUBMIT AN ARTICLE: Contact us at editor@talentculture.com with topic ideas.
If you are not an HR practitioner or subject matter expert, we will consider you a vendor or agency, and our editor will refer you to our sales department for sponsorship information.
Vendors & Agencies
2024 Content Themes

Content Originality and Guidelines
All content must be produced exclusively for TalentCulture and cannot be published elsewhere in advance. Please read and follow these guidelines:
- Because we receive a high volume of article ideas and submissions, we are ONLY able to respond if our editorial team is interested in the topic and author
- We strongly prefer pitches and articles with SEO keyword performance in mind
- Please frame your content as thought leadership. We are not able to accept sales-oriented content
- Preferred article length: Between 1,250 – 1,500 words (more or less – whatever you need to develop a full story)
- Support your premise with verifiable data, research, and/or stories that illustrate key points
- Link statistics or facts to original, credible source
- Use active voice throughout
- Insert subtitles to help readers easily skim the content
- Aim for a paragraph length of no more than 200 words
- Aim for a sentence length of no more than 20 words
- Refer to AP style as a writing guide
- Every story must include a 2-3 sentence author bio, 300×300 pixel headshot, URL for author’s LinkedIn account, and other social accounts (company accounts are accepted)
- Ideally, authors are HR leaders and practitioners, business founders and executives, authors, analysts, speakers, or coaches who focus on management, HR, culture, or work-related trends
- NOTE: We do not accept articles clearly developed by generative AI tools. Also, when editing accepted articles, we may edit or remove any portions written by these tools.
- We appreciate your interest and look forward to receiving your ideas!

How To Submit Your Article
If you have an idea for an article and you are a current or past HR or recruiting professional, business executive, or thought leader focused on work life, leadership, or organizational culture, please submit a short message using the form on this page to outline your article concept. Because we receive so many editorial submissions, we can’t respond to all inquiries. However, if your idea is a strong fit and we have space available to accept your article, we will contact you as soon as possible.

Promote Your TalentCulture Article
We encourage our contributors to promote their articles via social media and other marketing channels. The TalentCulture team will also promote your article and make it shine! All promotions must cite TalentCulture as its original source and provide a link to the post at TalentCulture.com.
Also note: You are free to republish your article in part or in modified form anytime after 2 weeks from the publication date. All we ask is that you include a link back to the TalentCulture article as the source. (This ensures SEO happiness for us all.)

What Happens After You Submit An Article Idea?
If you submit a pitch, the TalentCulture editorial team will review it and contact you with further instructions. If it is accepted, we will ask you to send a full draft. You may be asked to make edits or support your statements.
Although substantial content changes are subject to author approval, we reserve the right to edit final drafts for SEO purposes.
Article Submission Form
Want to contribute to TalentCulture? After reading our writers’ guidelines, please submit your draft here or email ideas to us at: editor@talentculture.com.