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Our Brand Boosting Programs

At TalentCulture, we’re on a mission to bring the most relevant content and conversations to the forefront of a connected community in the HR, tech development, and human-driven workforce. As the go-to destination for information and learning in HR and HR technology, we have a finger on the pulse of what’s most relevant to the movers and shakers in our industry. Our Brand Boosting Programs program leverages this deep knowledge base and our connected community of influencers, practitioners, big thinkers, and problem solvers to establish your expertise and expand your reach to move the needle on your marketing and sales goals.

Brand Visibility

Your brand on display, in all the right ways. With our strategic brand visibility programs, you’ll put your business in front of movers and shakers across our influential podcast, respected Technology Awards, Twitter (X) chats, newsletter, and blog posts. By leveraging our ever-growing reach in the industry, our brand visibility programs are here to help you shine. 

Leadership Programs

You’ve got the expertise. We’ll help you show off your wisdom, and how you design work that people love with custom e-Books, white papers, podcasts, webinars, customer research, Twitter chats, and promotion programs.

Brand Visibility Programs

#WorkTrends Podcast

Extend your brand’s reach and influence to TalentCulture subscribers, social media followers, podcast listeners, and website visitors. This is a great way to network and lift your brand to a captive and engaged audience of potential buyers.

#WorkTrends Podcast Ads

Showcase your brand with a block of podcast sponsorships or through mid-roll ads.

HR Tech Award

The TalentCulture HR Tech Awards and Recognition Program will drive traffic to your website by showcasing your company and unique solutions to our large and global audience of HR decision-makers.

The Small Business Marketing Program

This introductory marketing program is a great way for a small or start-up company to grow its brand, gain visibility, advance thought leadership and attract potential buyers.

Newsletter Ad

Include your advertisement in the TalentCulture newsletter, reaching over 25k+ opt-in subscribers. 

Client Sponsored Blog Post

Showcase your thought leadership with content on one of the biggest blogs focusing on the workplace and future of work.

Event Marketing Program

This is a great program to promote your webinar, conference, panel discussion and any event that needs to increase awareness for registrations and attendance.

Thought Leadership & Recognition Programs

Podcast & Twitter Chats

Extend your brand’s reach and influence to TalentCulture subscribers, social media followers, podcast listeners, and website visitors of over 500k+ Community members.

eBooks & White Papers

Using the power and reach of the TalentCulture brand, this valuable asset will showcase your thought leadership and position you / your organization to the brands and people you want to reach.


Reach an interested audience for visibility, reach, increased awareness, and top-of-the-funnel leads from your registrations.

Panel Chats

Gain exposure, sales leads, and showcase your thought leadership with a customized panelist discussion. We’ll develop all the content for an in-person or virtual event.

Authors & Books Promotion Program

Using the power of the TalentCulture Community, you’ll extend your reach and thought leadership to an information-hungry audience through one of the three program options.

Featured Articles/ Media/Video

Using the power of the TalentCulture Community, you’ll extend your reach and thought leadership to an information-hungry audience through one of the three program options.

The Small Business Marketing Program

This introductory marketing program is a great way for a small or start-up company to grow its brand, gain visibility, advance thought leadership and attract potential buyers.


Many of the TalentCulture programs can be customized to fit most budgets. Contact us for more information.

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#WorkTrends Podcast

Reach an audience of over 500k+ as a guest on the #WorkTrends podcast. You’ll impress key decision makers in the HR and HR Tech marketing space, establish expertise, and help your brand stand out from the pack as a leader in the space.

WorkTrends Conversations

On-site, Live Podcasts

#WorkTrends Podcast Sponsorships & Ads

Reach a global audience of corporate decision-makers and buyers who rely on #WorkTrends to keep their finger on the pulse of what’s current, accessible and interesting in the world of work.

We advise on availability and review your mid-roll ad content to ensure the tone and message will be of interest to our listening audience.

HR Tech Award

Your company will enjoy a prominent presence on the TalentCulture HR Technology Awards website as one of our technology leaders in the workforce space. You will have the opportunity to display a 2 – 3 minute product video showcasing your software that will live on your individually branded page as well as on the TalentCulture YouTube channel.

Additional benefits will include:

This is not a “Top Ten” type of award. We recognize that some software solutions are not designed for all sizes of companies nor for all industries. The evaluation is based on the value of the software being demonstrated. Does it solve a problem for the end-users? Is it intuitive to use? Is it well designed?

There is no application fee. A private product demo is required to determine eligibility. We recommend that the best aspects of the software be demonstrated for the purposes of the evaluation. There is no deadline to participate.

*Assets may be updated up to 3x within a 12-month period.

Small Business Package

Your small business will have a big impact with TalentCulture brand boosting that puts your dollars to work in multiple ways, and stretching them further. With the introductory marketing program, your small business or startup company will have access to the half a million and growing TalentCulture Community. Working with the professionals at TalentCulture, your company’s brand will be positioned to a large audience of influencers, buyers and decision-makers.

Our small business package offers four options that will help you grow your brand, gain visibility, advance your company’s thought leadership and attract potential buyers.

Product Selection Choose either Column A or Column B

Column A

Column B

*Eligibility rules apply. Qualifying companies must be first-timeTalentCulture clients with fewer than 50 employees and be able to demonstrate proof of eligibility.

Newsletter Ad

Add your message and promote your product, company or event to reach an audience of 25k+ opt-in subscribers.. Up to 125 words. Add an image of your choice and your logo.

Sponsored Blog Post

Showcase your thought leadership with content on TalentCulture’s articles page. Your content will be placed in the prominent Editor’s Picks section of the blog and positioned as our featured article.

Additionally, your content becomes eligible for the TalentCulture Impact Award. This honor is given to the most highly read content, awarded monthly.

We’ll even promote your content on the TalentCulture social channels to give your content an added boost.

30-day performance report provided on page views of article and clicks, along with a social activity report showing social post and ad results. 

Requirements: Video and content guidelines to be provided. TalentCulture reserves the right to approve all content prior to publication.

Event Marketing Program

Promote your webinar, conference, panel discussion and any event to increase awareness for registrations and attendance. Using the TalentCulture social channels, our social team will amplify and post your content on our Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn platforms. 

We will create a custom content schedule based on your event marketing content including posts for Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. In addition, we will create a Sponsored Ad tailored to our uniquely qualified custom audiences. 

Campaigns will run for 3-4 weeks prior to the event date, with a minimum of 2 weeks run time prior to the event. A sample weekly content calendar may include:

Strategy: Carefully planned distribution dates of targeted content with the right mix of organic and sponsored content. Consistently and memorably imprint your brand with our audience.

Distribution: The TalentCulture brand, Meghan M. Biro, and Cyndy Trivella will amplify your reach and drive traffic through social media. Collectively offering an organically grown community of over half a million members. Distribution quantities are subject to change based on content performance.

Requirements: Event Marketing program must allow for a minimum of 2-4 weeks lead-up to your event. Assets provided by the client. Content specs are provided by TalentCulture immediately following program commitment.

Podcast & Twitter (X) Chats

On-site Live Podcast


Sponsorships & Advertising

Add Your Heading Text Here

We advise on availability and review your mid-roll ad content to ensure the tone and message will be of interest to our listening audience.

eBooks & White Papers

Content Creation eBooks, Executive Briefs, and White Papers

Using your unique insight into your slice of the industry, influencer and expert Meghan M. Biro will take your topic idea and turn it into an agreed upon 3,000-word piece of expertise content. eBooks, Executive Briefs, and White Papers make great assets for generating sign-ups and leads while establishing industry expertise amongst influencers.

Client Sponsored Webinar Package

Get the most of your marketing budget by reaching an interested audience for visibility, reach, increased awareness and top-of-the-funnel leads from your registrations. TalentCulture webinars are the perfect way to grow your database while showcasing your thought leadership. All leads are directed to your registration form so you collect and manage all the leads as they come in.*


*Audience composition will vary depending on the topic and sponsoring company. TalentCulture does not guarantee attendance

Requirements: Brands must have a presentation platform

Discussion Panel - Virtual & In-Person (request quote)

Get the most of your marketing spend by reaching an interested audience for visibility, reach and leads. Gain exposure, leads, and showcase your thought leadership with a 45-60 minute customized 2-3 panelist discussion. We’ll develop all the content with Meghan M. Biro as your guest presenter or moderator for an in-person or virtual event.

Fully produced and delivered by TalentCulture based on your choice of topic.


Requirements: Sponsoring company provides venue or platform for event. 

Authors & Books Promotion Program

Using the power of the TalentCulture Community, you’ll extend your reach and thought leadership to an information-hungry audience. We offer three program options to satisfy anyone’s budget. The Authors & Books landing page will also be promoted in the TalentCulture newsletter and social media properties

Platinum package

Gold Package

Silver Package

Featured Articles, Video & Multimedia Content

Showcase your thought leadership with content on TalentCulture’s articles page. Your content will be placed in the prominent Editor’s Picks section of the blog and positioned as our featured article.

Additionally, your content becomes eligible for the TalentCulture Impact Award. This honor is given to the most highly read content, awarded monthly.

We’ll even promote your content on the TalentCulture social channels to give your content an added boost.

Requirements: Video and content guidelines to be provided. TalentCulture reserves the right to approve all content prior to publication.

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