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Picture of Amanda Shore

Amanda Shore

Amanda, a content expert and digital marketing sophomore is an experienced writer who applies her talents by disseminating complex information and making it understandable. She loves to learn and her current passion is educating people about employee engagement. It is also her primary responsibility as digital marketing and social media manager at Herd Wisdom.
Picture of Amanda Shore

Amanda Shore

Amanda, a content expert and digital marketing sophomore is an experienced writer who applies her talents by disseminating complex information and making it understandable. She loves to learn and her current passion is educating people about employee engagement. It is also her primary responsibility as digital marketing and social media manager at Herd Wisdom.

Tell Your Employees They Suck

Improving Employee Performance Through Feedback My mother used to say, “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”   She was talking about being a polite person in society. She was not talking about being a manager whose company depended on her to manage employees for the success of their business. A manager needs to give their employees feedback. It’s the only way they’re going to improve. You can give them a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down but ultimately you have to tell it to them straight: This is what’s wrong with

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Employee Engagement: Three Ways to Manage by Motivating

Motivation is what drives us to set and attain goals, it is our desire to do things. Motivation is fundamental to employee engagement. The goal of employee engagement is to get employees to expend discretionary effort and the best way to do that is with proper motivation. When you know how to motivate, you have the keys to being a manager with a team of engaged employees. Motivation comes in two flavors: Intrinsic and Extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is derived from internal desires. The drive to do things that make you happy, that create meaning — that produce internal rewards that are mentally satisfying.

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Engage Employees Through Personalized Motivation

The clamor of our alarm clocks forces us out of bed in the morning. But why did we set those alarms in the first place? Because we have to go to work. And why do we have to work? We are driven by what Abraham Maslow calls our biological and physiological needs. These include food, shelter, water, air, sex and sleep. In North American society, we set an alarm in order to fulfill two of these biological/physiological needs, food, and shelter. The alarm wakes us up so we can go to work, we work so we can afford food and shelter. Are you following

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Cooking Up A Better Company Culture

What is your company’s purpose? What are its values? What is it’s vision? Can all employees articulate the organization’s values and practices? If you need help answering these questions, follow this recipe for creating a successful company culture: 3-Step Recipe For Company Culture Serves small, medium and large sized companies Ingredients: Organizational values and practices Communication and adoption Employee Value Proposition (EVP) Instructions: Step 1: Define And Communicate The Values And Practices Of The Organization Values are the operational beliefs shared by those with a vested interest in the organization. They are what drive the company’s priorities and form the basis for the company’s

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