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Picture of Amy Tobin

Amy Tobin

Amy is a Writer, Editor, and Content Strategist with a background in Sales and Sales Management. She writes and speaks on Sales, Diversity Issues, and Business Thought Leadership.
Picture of Amy Tobin

Amy Tobin

Amy is a Writer, Editor, and Content Strategist with a background in Sales and Sales Management. She writes and speaks on Sales, Diversity Issues, and Business Thought Leadership.

For True Diversity We Must Guard Against Otherness

At this time in our nation’s history it is pretty clear how language and behavior can cause great schisms between groups of people. Divisions that separate us by gender, race, age, socioeconomic class – there seems to be no end to the ways that we find ourselves divided – have become visible. Sometimes these divides are created with intent, sometimes unconsciously. There are, however, bright spots and groups of people working towards unity. We will only get there by refusing to create the ideology of otherness. In order to dissolve the constructs of otherness, we must understand it. defines it for us:

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