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Picture of Andrew Heikkila

Andrew Heikkila

Andrew Heikkila is a writer from Boise, Idaho. He likes to write about leadership, entrepreneurship, and the ever changing job market.
Picture of Andrew Heikkila

Andrew Heikkila

Andrew Heikkila is a writer from Boise, Idaho. He likes to write about leadership, entrepreneurship, and the ever changing job market.

Your Digital Footprint and the Permanent Job Search

“Don’t post it online if you wouldn’t want your employer to see it.” Plenty of people have heard this sage piece of advice before, even if the advice itself is no more than 10 or 15 years old. The reason it’s become so pertinent is that your digital footprint defines who you are now more than ever. Almost everything you do nowadays is passively recorded, tracked, and stored on the internet by third parties, and modern employers are tapping into that data to make hiring decisions before they’ve even met their prospective employees in person. What Are Employers On the Lookout

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Selling Yourself in the Interview

As 2016 ambles forward, more recruiters are going to be hiring than ever before. Not only are Millennials taking the job market by force, but plenty of current employees are planning on making a job transition, both inside and out of their own career paths. With all of that competition, selling yourself matters. It’s essential to stand out from the pack and highlight what makes you more hireable than the Joe Shmoe interviewing before you and the Jane Doe interviewing after you. Know What You’re Looking For The first thing to know before you even go in to interview is what

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How to Attract and Retain the Best Employees in 2016

As colleges crank out more graduates, our economy’s pool of potential employees grows. Selecting and enticing the right ones are going to be paramount to any business strategy in 2016, especially because the pool is diluted to the brim with mediocre to average prospective hires. Many business are going to need to brush up on hiring and retention strategies if they want to attract and retain the best employees in 2016. Polish That Glass Door It wasn’t long ago that employers began carefully scrutinizing their prospective employees Facebook profiles to determine more about them than they may be letting on in

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