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Picture of Annette Richmond

Annette Richmond

Annette Richmond, MA is a writer, optimist, media enthusiast and executive editor of career-intelligence.com. Having changed careers several times, including working as a career coach, she has a unique perspective on career management. When starting career-intelligence.com over a decade ago, her goal was to provide a one-stop online career resource. In addition to being a writer, speaker and consultant, Richmond contributes career-related articles to various other sites including FORBESWOMAN. She also coaches a few highly-motivated individuals. She holds a BA in English from Sacred Heart University and a MA in Applied Psychology from Fairfield University. She resides in connecticut, with her husband, Eric, and their four-legged kids
Picture of Annette Richmond

Annette Richmond

Annette Richmond, MA is a writer, optimist, media enthusiast and executive editor of career-intelligence.com. Having changed careers several times, including working as a career coach, she has a unique perspective on career management. When starting career-intelligence.com over a decade ago, her goal was to provide a one-stop online career resource. In addition to being a writer, speaker and consultant, Richmond contributes career-related articles to various other sites including FORBESWOMAN. She also coaches a few highly-motivated individuals. She holds a BA in English from Sacred Heart University and a MA in Applied Psychology from Fairfield University. She resides in connecticut, with her husband, Eric, and their four-legged kids

Should Desk Chairs Go The Way Of The Smoking Lounge?

I have fond memories of smoking. There’s something about having a cigarette with a cup of coffee that only a smoker or ex-smoker can appreciate. I enjoyed my cigarettes until I woke up one day and realized that they had the potential to kill me. So I quit twenty-odd years ago and never looked back. Sitting is the New Smoking If you haven’t heard sitting is the new smoking according to Runner’s World. Even those who exercise regularly are not immune to the health hazards of long commutes, hours spent watching TV, and averaging eight-plus-hours a day at a desk. Spending

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Working From a Distance: Is 24/7 A Good Thing?

Technology has given us the ability to stay connected 24/7 which is a blessing and also a curse. One of the downsides is that the lines between work and down time have become increasingly blurred. Many companies feel that employees should be available nights, weekends and even on vacation. Some provide employees with smartphones with the understanding that they will be accessible whenever they are needed. Not all employees object to this. The majority of respondents to a recent Gallup Poll said that being able to work remotely after hours was a good thing. With 42 percent saying that being able to stay

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