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Picture of Betty Johnson

Betty Johnson

Dr. Betty Johnson has 30 years’ leadership and change consulting experience. The firm she founded, Bridging the Difference LLC, serves clients that include private, public, and non-profit leaders and their teams. As president of the firm, Betty helps leaders recognize the behavior-goal misalignments that impede their success and shows them how to bridge the difference to get extraordinary results. Her company’s proprietary methods are grounded in scientific research, and all demonstrate measurable results. Making Virtual Work is her first book.
Picture of Betty Johnson

Betty Johnson

Dr. Betty Johnson has 30 years’ leadership and change consulting experience. The firm she founded, Bridging the Difference LLC, serves clients that include private, public, and non-profit leaders and their teams. As president of the firm, Betty helps leaders recognize the behavior-goal misalignments that impede their success and shows them how to bridge the difference to get extraordinary results. Her company’s proprietary methods are grounded in scientific research, and all demonstrate measurable results. Making Virtual Work is her first book.
On-Camera Performances

Lights, Cameras, Action: The Tragedy of Meeting Drama

Think like a scientist: Do a test. Record your next video meeting of three or more people. Afterward, transcribe the recording. Then, with a printed copy of the transcript in hand, watch the recording. As you do, add notes to the transcript of who said each line. And—this is essential—note the non-verbal cues you observe. You will then have something very much like a screenplay. Review that screenplay. See how each person (including you) assumes their roles and acts them out. Observe how people strive to comply with the social rules and rituals of in-person meetings plastered onto virtual work. Detect

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