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Picture of Bob Burg

Bob Burg

Bob Burg (burg.com) is coauthor, with John David Mann (johndavidmann.com), of the international bestseller The Go-Giver and Go-Givers Sell More. Their latest collaboration, The Go-Giver Leader (http://bit.ly/1S6WLRG) has just been released. To subscribe to Burg’s, “The Go-Giver Podcast” visit http://www.thegogiver.com/podcast
Picture of Bob Burg

Bob Burg

Bob Burg (burg.com) is coauthor, with John David Mann (johndavidmann.com), of the international bestseller The Go-Giver and Go-Givers Sell More. Their latest collaboration, The Go-Giver Leader (http://bit.ly/1S6WLRG) has just been released. To subscribe to Burg’s, “The Go-Giver Podcast” visit http://www.thegogiver.com/podcast

A Time for Giving Leadership

We’re in the silly season, the time of U.S. presidential primaries, and one effect of the media assault is that it makes us examine this thing, this force in our lives, called “leadership.” It’s easy to think of leadership as something that relates only to the elite few: the CEO, the president, the general, the boss. But silly season notwithstanding, leadership happens everywhere — in our relationships and our families, our communities and our work, and in every domain of our lives. Whether you are leading an industry or a social movement, leading a department of a company or your own

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