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Picture of Brittany Barhite

Brittany Barhite

Brittany Barhite, Ed.D., is the Head of Employee Experience at Firstup. Prior to Firstup, she handled internal communications for a Fortune 500 company, overseeing employee and executive communications.
Picture of Brittany Barhite

Brittany Barhite

Brittany Barhite, Ed.D., is the Head of Employee Experience at Firstup. Prior to Firstup, she handled internal communications for a Fortune 500 company, overseeing employee and executive communications.
Continuous Onboarding Excellence - How to Succeed From Day One

Employee Onboarding Excellence: How to Succeed From Day One

Sponsored by Firstup. We’ve all encountered employee onboarding nightmares. Perhaps your manager forgot your start date. Or maybe the tools and technology assigned to you didn’t work. If we were to poll a random group of people, the list of onboarding horror stories would be endless. Want a reality check? Try a quick Google search — the results are fascinating. It’s easy to laugh about first-day disasters. But the truth is that a poorly executed onboarding process has lasting repercussions. Here’s why:  A staggering one-third of employees decide whether to stay or go within their first 90 days on the job. Replacing

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How Personalized Journeys Elevate The Employee Experience - TalentCulture

How Personalized Journeys Elevate The Employee Experience

Sponsored by Firstup For years, Gallup has tracked global employee engagement. Although the trend line has improved somewhat over the past decade, still only 23% of full-time workers are engaged in their jobs. In other words, fewer than 1 in 4 people feel a real zest for their daily responsibilities. But it doesn’t have to be this way. What if you offered personalized journeys that adjust to each employee’s changing needs, interests and motivations? What kind of results could you achieve? And how could you make this work for your team? Let’s take a closer look… Why The Employee Experience Matters Disengaged

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