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Picture of Brittney Barbe

Brittney Barbe

Brittney Canter Barbe, a millennial entrepreneur taking the industry by storm through HR and leadership consulting, speaking and re-inventing the conversation on how HR experts contribute to our organizations.
Picture of Brittney Barbe

Brittney Barbe

Brittney Canter Barbe, a millennial entrepreneur taking the industry by storm through HR and leadership consulting, speaking and re-inventing the conversation on how HR experts contribute to our organizations.

Is Work-Life Balance Dead? Depends on Which Generation You Ask.

Is striking a balance between work and life a priority for you?  You are not alone. 45 percent of employees said they don’t have enough time for personal activities according to results from a Workplace Trends Survey. Health professionals are reporting that people are working themselves to death. In direct contradiction is a multitude of research stating work-life balance is dead and nothing more than a myth. So who should we believe? It appears we are all in the right church but the wrong pew. Your seat assignment (and Kool-Aid of choice) is determined by your generation. Boomers This generation has

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The Paradox of Diversity and Inclusion

Almost every organization has a firm understanding of how important diversity is. There is an abundance of research out there that confirms more diversity results in success. Forty-nine percent of executives surveyed by Forbes Insights strongly agree that a diverse and inclusive workforce is crucial to encouraging different perspectives and ideas that drive innovation. With the rise of millennials in the workplace, many organizations have achieved diversity organically. The average human being has turned on the news over the last decade any maybe even has a moral compass that tells them diversity is simply a fairness issue that should be the

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5 Harsh Realities of HR Pro to HR-preneur

You’ve decided to take off your Corporate HR hat and strike out on your own as a consultant, speaker or trainer. Here are five harsh realities of transitioning from HR Pro to HR-preneur… No one is forced to listen to you.  I remember the first time I went into an organization to facilitate a training session. I am standing in front of a room full or executive leaders, and it hits me…they are not forced to listen to me! As crazy as that sounds, think about it. In an HR role, employees have to listen to what we say due to

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The Blanket of Bereavement Policy Is Chilly

Bereavement, the period of time of mourning following the death of a beloved person. It can be one of the most devastating experiences for many of us. For employers, we are forced to tie metrics to this extremely personal experience with our bereavement policies. We literally quantify our employees’ grief. This begs me to question why we thought this was a good idea in the first place? We knew it was unethical and downright cruel to ask someone to clock-in after experiencing a death in the family. At its core, we thought we were simply showing our staff we care. We

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Women Help Each Other. What Is This Unicorn They Speak Of?

You are a woman that has fought her way to the top. Your day started once the kids were asleep when you finally had a few hours to work. You spent hours manipulating your schedule to ensure you were at PTA and home by 6:00 PM for dinner. All this while blowing them away in the board room. It hasn’t been easy but you kept powering through. Finally, you have earned your seat at the table. You go girl! All of a sudden another women makes headway and instead of showing her the ropes, you turn into a high school sophomore

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Millennial’s Commentary On the Generational Gap: How We Really See You

Thousands, maybe even millions of research articles flood the web on how Xers and Boomers are trying to understand what millennials really want in the workplace. After all, this is the generation taking over our organizations. With all of this information at your fingertips on how you can engage this sector of the workforce, there seems be too little to no rhetoric spelling out how Millennials view our Xer and Boomer colleagues. This brings me to question, how can you expect engagement initiatives to be successful when you have no idea how we view you? We think Gen X is cynical

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