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Picture of Camilla Brambilla Pisoni

Camilla Brambilla Pisoni

Camilla is a Content Creator and Creative Copywriter at Ambassify. With several years of experience in the field, she is passionate about content creation, writing and all things related to content marketing. Together with Ambassify, she is dedicated to helping companies realize and leverage the full potential of their teams.
Picture of Camilla Brambilla Pisoni

Camilla Brambilla Pisoni

Camilla is a Content Creator and Creative Copywriter at Ambassify. With several years of experience in the field, she is passionate about content creation, writing and all things related to content marketing. Together with Ambassify, she is dedicated to helping companies realize and leverage the full potential of their teams.
How to Humanize Your Employer Brand on Social Media

How to Humanize Your Employer Brand on Social Media

What is an Employer Brand? Employer branding is a fundamental part of every company’s identity. It’s not just about the products and services you offer. It is a much broader concept — encompassing everything that determines your organization’s reputation as a place to work. It’s about crafting an authentic narrative that appeals to both existing and prospective employees by showcasing your culture, values, and the opportunities available to your workforce. So naturally, an employee-centered social media presence can be a highly effective way to humanize your employer brand. Why Humanize Your Employer Brand? To attract high-quality candidates in today’s competitive labor

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