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Picture of Cathy Geerts

Cathy Geerts

Cathy Geerts has over 20 years of experience in the HR world. Since 2014, Cathy has been working at SD Worx, a global payroll and people solutions provider who supports over 70,000 organizations to help their employees thrive.
Picture of Cathy Geerts

Cathy Geerts

Cathy Geerts has over 20 years of experience in the HR world. Since 2014, Cathy has been working at SD Worx, a global payroll and people solutions provider who supports over 70,000 organizations to help their employees thrive.
payroll and hr evolved

How Payroll and HR Evolved During the Pandemic

What do you think of when someone mentions payroll? Does your mind immediately conjure up an employee asking you for help regarding incorrect calculations and missed deadlines? Or do you imagine payroll as a strategic partner sitting beside HR at the boardroom table offering up valuable insights? If you think of payroll as nothing more than a routine function, then you’d be forgiven for not being the first. For a long time, payroll hasn’t taken center stage. Regarded as an administrative back-office function, payroll was often forgotten about. And it certainly wasn’t part of the bigger strategic picture. Unless there was

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