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Picture of Chad Reid

Chad Reid

Chad Reid is the VP of marketing and communications at JotForm; he’s a frequent contributor to various tech and business publications — and an absolute wizard with a Vitamix.
Picture of Chad Reid

Chad Reid

Chad Reid is the VP of marketing and communications at JotForm; he’s a frequent contributor to various tech and business publications — and an absolute wizard with a Vitamix.
constructive feedback

How to Provide Constructive Feedback That Improves Performance

For previous generations of workers, employer feedback too often consisted of some variation of “Don’t screw up!” But in today’s workforce, employees need and want a lot more detail. They seek constructive feedback that helps them correct their weaknesses and further prepares them for long-term professional growth. However, not all feedback is created equal. There are significant differences between destructive and constructive feedback, but they aren’t as apparent as you might think. Some managers believe constructive feedback means sugar-coating while destructive feedback means blunt rudeness — neither of which is correct. It’s difficult to say why this misconception persists, but HR

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