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Picture of Charlie Judy

Charlie Judy

Charlie Judy spent more than 2 decades as an HR leader at some of the world's most prominent professional services organizations. He founded WorkXO to help organizations engineer workplace cultures to fuel a more authentic career experience and drive more meaningful growth.
Picture of Charlie Judy

Charlie Judy

Charlie Judy spent more than 2 decades as an HR leader at some of the world's most prominent professional services organizations. He founded WorkXO to help organizations engineer workplace cultures to fuel a more authentic career experience and drive more meaningful growth.
culture budget

Do You Need a Culture Budget?

We’ve been talking about work culture for decades now. But it turns out most organizations still don’t do anything really meaningful to manage their company culture. If fact, we’ve just been paying lip service to it. That’s largely because actually doing something to manage culture is really hard. It takes time, energy and investment. We often think of culture as driving sentiment in the workplace — Are we happy? Are we satisfied? — rather than about whether we’re doing the kinds of things we need to do to drive success. Culture is about behaviors — and just like any other kind

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Great and Best are Not Always Right

I was speaking with a large Society for Human Resources Management chapter last week on the power of Culture Intelligence. The group was lively. And as we were talking about what these HR leaders were doing to measure, assess, and understand their workplace cultures today, one brave audience member candidly volunteered this: “we don’t measure our culture because we’re afraid of what we’ll find.” A hush fell over the group. I looked around and there were actually a few others nodding their heads in assent. Mind you, this isn’t the first time I’ve heard this. I chuckle every time I do;

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