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Picture of Dan Harrison

Dan Harrison

Dr. Dan Harrison is the founder and CEO of Harrison Assessments, a company with cloud-based technology that provides secure, job-specific predictive analytics to enhance the candidate and employee experience and save HR professionals and managers time and money.
Picture of Dan Harrison

Dan Harrison

Dr. Dan Harrison is the founder and CEO of Harrison Assessments, a company with cloud-based technology that provides secure, job-specific predictive analytics to enhance the candidate and employee experience and save HR professionals and managers time and money.
developing a training program with better ROI

Developing a Training Program With Better ROI

Despite the economic downturn, training and professional development expenses in large companies rose from an average of $17.17 million in 2019 to $22 million in 2020. Similarly, small businesses also increased their investments in training by over $100,000. With so much money being spent, it would be easy to assume that companies of all sizes are seeing clear returns on their investments (ROI). Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be the case. One study found that only 11% of employees actually end up applying the training they receive to their day-to-day work. Why is there such a disparity between spending and results? Is training at

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