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Picture of Dan Johnson

Dan Johnson

Dan Johnson is vice president of sales and marketing for Trustmark Voluntary Benefit Solutions and has more than 30 years of experience in the insurance industry. Dan has spoken to various industry groups, such as the Voluntary Employee Benefits Board, the National Association of Health Underwriters and the Million Dollar Round Table. Dan was elected into the Workplace Benefits Hall of Fame in 2013. He can be reached at
Picture of Dan Johnson

Dan Johnson

Dan Johnson is vice president of sales and marketing for Trustmark Voluntary Benefit Solutions and has more than 30 years of experience in the insurance industry. Dan has spoken to various industry groups, such as the Voluntary Employee Benefits Board, the National Association of Health Underwriters and the Million Dollar Round Table. Dan was elected into the Workplace Benefits Hall of Fame in 2013. He can be reached at
benefits communications

The Real Reason Your Benefits Communications Have It Backward

Successful benefits communications is an issue almost every company struggles with. We see it every day in our work, and we read about it often in publications and on sites just like this. Most companies focus the bulk of their benefits communications on facts: The cost of your plan. How voluntary products mesh with medical coverage. The likelihood of experiencing a covered condition. Most benefit communications are littered with these numbers and details, all in an effort to help employees make informed decisions when it comes to their voluntary benefits. Then, once we state this information, we try to make it

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The Dynamic Duo of Self-funding and Voluntary Benefits

Today, we live in an insurance marketplace defined by healthcare reform, double-digit rising healthcare costs, and plenty of “unknowns.” Given the changing landscape, many human resources professionals view their employer benefit plans as a challenging blend of cost containment strategies and employee retention. But there’s hope! Perhaps it’s time for a reintroduction, or introduction as the case may be, to a known entity and dynamic insurance duo: self-funding paired with voluntary benefits. Meeting the twin goals of high quality and affordability Employers of all sizes have the same goals when it comes to their benefits offering—high quality and affordability. Some companies

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