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Picture of Daniel Kraft

Daniel Kraft

Daniel Kraft is the president and CEO of Sitrion. Sitrion provides millions of people with a mobile and socially enabled workplace that’s tightly integrated with SAP, Microsoft SharePoint, Office 365, and Salesforce. Daniel is a public speaker on topics involving employee engagement and productivity and was featured on TEDx.
Picture of Daniel Kraft

Daniel Kraft

Daniel Kraft is the president and CEO of Sitrion. Sitrion provides millions of people with a mobile and socially enabled workplace that’s tightly integrated with SAP, Microsoft SharePoint, Office 365, and Salesforce. Daniel is a public speaker on topics involving employee engagement and productivity and was featured on TEDx.
Purpose Drives Productivity: 5 Steps to Optimize Communication for Your Workforce

Purpose Drives Productivity: 5 Steps to Optimize Communication for Your Workforce

The pointless 9-to-5 grind is dead. Today, people need a purpose in their work. They want to be part of something, and our corporate communication needs to reflect this — to actually reach the people. Unfortunately, our communication skills have yet to catch up with the times, and present-day organizations simply do not communicate effectively. Just 17 percent of workers strongly agree that all levels of their companies practice open communication. It’s not the “what” of the information anymore, but the “why.” Workers aren’t satisfied with being told what to do without reason, and employee engagement separates good organizations from great ones. People

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Stop Looking for More Time and Use What You Have

At some point every year, I lose my voice for a few days. Because my job is to communicate company strategy and keep my team motivated, it’s a tricky problem. I have to choose every word carefully because too much small talk could extend my speechlessness. But instead of wishing I had my voice back, I work efficiently with what I have. The same can be said for time. All executives crave more time, but not all of us use the time we already have efficiently. Obstacles and Time Stealers If you’re anything like me, you love work but not all the structural

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4 Keys to Engaging Your Remote Workforce

For me, a remote workforce fall into two categories: those who actually work remotely and those whose jobs simply keep them away from their desks. The first group is easy to track — 37 percent of the workforce has telecommuted at one time or another. The second group, often referred to as non-desk workers, includes people who don’t even have a desk or fixed workspace, such as nurses covering a whole floor, a retail sales person on the shop floor, or production workers in a factory. Of those who work in an office, 36 percent claim they would prefer work-from-home benefits to a pay raise,

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