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Picture of Daphne Stanford

Daphne Stanford

Daphne Stanford grew up near the ocean, and she loves taking pictures of the mountains and rivers in Idaho, where she now lives. She believes in the power of writing, education, and community radio to change the world. She hosts “The Poetry Show!” Sundays on Radio Boise. Find her on Twitter @TPS_on_KRBX.
Picture of Daphne Stanford

Daphne Stanford

Daphne Stanford grew up near the ocean, and she loves taking pictures of the mountains and rivers in Idaho, where she now lives. She believes in the power of writing, education, and community radio to change the world. She hosts “The Poetry Show!” Sundays on Radio Boise. Find her on Twitter @TPS_on_KRBX.
Closing the STEM Gap: Promoting Gender Equity at All Levels

Closing the STEM Gap: Promoting Gender Equity at All Levels

According to the National Girls Collaborative Project, although women make up half of the total college-educated workforce in the U.S., they only comprise 29 percent of the workforce in science and engineering-related fields. Part of the reason for this seems tied to students’ choices of majors, at the undergraduate level: the most recent statistics from the National Science Foundation indicate that women receive only 17.9 percent of bachelor’s degrees in computer science, and only 19.3 percent of engineering degrees. Why the persistent gender gap, you may ask? Part of the reason seems to be tied to cultural norms while in school;

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Women in Business

Business-Savvy Tips for Female Entrepreneurs in 2017

Are you a woman in business?  If so, you’re certainly not in the minority.  According to Arizona State University, women make up 51 percent of corporate professionals in the United States, today.  However, many C-suite positions are still occupied by the opposite gender.  In fact, Jared Lindzon argues via an article in Fortune that companies with the best reputation in their respective industries have more than twice as many women in senior management; however, Lindzon also points out that “Only 10.9% of Fortune 500 senior leaders are female, while 37.6% of those companies have no women in their C-suites…” It is

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How to Successfully Engage Employees in 2017

As more and more millennials come of working age, it’s becoming increasingly important for companies to prominently exhibit their corporate social responsibility policies on either their website or their employee handbooks—in part because CSR is proving to be increasingly vital to attracting and retaining quality employees.  In order for employees to feel engaged, it helps for them to feel as if the company they work for is working to benefit society in some way.  According to a study conducted in May of 2016 by Ante Glavas, a model building on engagement theory was tested in which “CSR enables employees to bring

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Up and Coming Careers in Environmental Sustainability

In the face of dire predictions such as that from the World Wildlife Fund predicting the number of wild animals living on Earth will decline two-thirds from 1970 levels by the year 2020, people are beginning to examine their choice of employer or organization in terms of discernible levels of corporate social responsibility.  They’re hoping to tap into a greater purpose, in the business world, other than helping a company turn a profit.  If you’re among those looking for something more, you might consider asking a few questions that tap into deeper meanings.  Is the world a better, safer, or healthier

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Women as Business Leaders: Advice from the Top

How can women, as business leaders, help ourselves get ahead? You might wonder how studying exemplary business women translates to applicable lessons for executives in the field. Well, there are some female business leaders inspiring change—and they’re working in a wide variety of industries and roles. We can follow their lead and keep up the momentum they’ve started to continue to make progress in areas that need attention, for women in the business world. There are also some behaviors and habits we can cultivate, according to female leaders who have already done the hard work of climbing to the top. Exemplary

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Four Essential Best Practices for HR in 2016

Welcome to 2016! Although it’s already March, it’s not too late to cover a few best practices for human resources professionals, as well as how to analyze information about your current employees and help develop strong teams, once people are on board. So, without further ado, here are four best practices for HR professionals for the new year. Diversity & Innovation A recent Forbes article by Adam Hartung points out the importance of diversity and the need for HR to make a concerted effort to recruit outside the company—if only to gain a new and different perspective of the usual order

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