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Picture of Dawn Rasmussen

Dawn Rasmussen

Dawn Rassmusen is an author, transformational career strategist and professional resume writer, and owner of Pathfinder Writing and Careers, a boutique resume writing and career management company.
Picture of Dawn Rasmussen

Dawn Rasmussen

Dawn Rassmusen is an author, transformational career strategist and professional resume writer, and owner of Pathfinder Writing and Careers, a boutique resume writing and career management company.

How to Make Your Career Strategy Thrive Within A Corporate Culture

Large companies sort of rumble along, pushing and pulling employees along the way. Some people are nimble enough to get on top of the steam roller while others get run over and spit out the other side. We’ve all seen examples of each of these scenarios. But what most people forget in their career strategy is that their job fate doesn’t rest solely in the hands of the corporate decision makers. You and you alone have the reins of your destiny, should you choose to take control of them. I’m not talking non-conformity. I’m talking about being actively engaged and being

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