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Picture of Doug Coull

Doug Coull

Doug Coull is the founder and CEO of APS, Inc., makers of SmartSearch talent acquisition and staffing management software. Doug founded APS in 1986 after a successful management career in the contract engineering industry. A leader in technology development for nearly 30 years, Doug brings a unique perspective to the development and user adoption of software and technology in the HR community.
Picture of Doug Coull

Doug Coull

Doug Coull is the founder and CEO of APS, Inc., makers of SmartSearch talent acquisition and staffing management software. Doug founded APS in 1986 after a successful management career in the contract engineering industry. A leader in technology development for nearly 30 years, Doug brings a unique perspective to the development and user adoption of software and technology in the HR community.

Make The Hiring Manager Your Recruiting Partner

With all the focus on sourcing, the candidate experience, mobile access and employer branding, the hiring manager experience can be a low priority within organizations. Why is the hiring manager experience something that warrants attention and cultivating? Simply, the hiring manager plays a pivotal role in the talent acquisition process. The decision to hire usually rests with them, so ensuring they have all the needed information and technology-enabled tools at their disposal is a start in the right direction. Is It Really Us vs. Them? This question is a big part of the problem. Until everyone involved in the hiring process realizes

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Bright Shiny Objects And Their Effect on Innovation and Technology

Innovation and technology have become cornerstones of our society. Whether we are the innovators of the creation or the end-users, we thrive and demand more of what we want and keep pursuing it to an attained end result. So how do we understand the difference between valuable and enduring innovations versus what appears to be the next best thing, but really isn’t? As humans, we gravitate toward the innovations that are believed to move humankind forward. However, as evidenced by history, we often believed in a new and shiny object that appeared to have potential, but fell woefully short on delivering

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Business presentation on corporate meeting.

The No BS Approach To Customer Service

As the owner of an HR software innovation company, I have experienced customer interactions of varying qualities over the past few decades. Some good, some less so, some surprising, but all interesting and all a learning experience. When I consider my customers, current and past, I think about the stakeholders behind their own company brand and how unique and special they all are. I, also, think about the value they bring to my organization by being an ambassador for my company’s brand and for their feedback and inspiration over these many years. Without a doubt, my customers along with my employees

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Innovate Today To Build A Vision For The Future

In addition to leading an organization, I’m a consumer and stakeholder in other brands. Like many people, I recognize what companies appeal to the broader masses and which have a dismal reputation for poorly manufactured products or are laden with bad publicity due to a barrage of public outcry.  So as a consumer, I will size up an organization not only for what they do with and for their consumers, but also how a company innovates today looking towards the future. A philosophy I have adopted within my own organization. Innovation, along with customer service delivery, is dynamic and differentiates your

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