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Picture of Dirk Peters

Dirk Peters

Dirk Peters is the Chief Revenue Officer at Scanta Inc, a San Francisco based startup that combines Artificial Intelligence and IO Psychology to create solutions for companies to automatically and continuously understand the employee experience. With over 30 years of international management experience in the high-tech industry, Dirk is a seasoned Silicon Valley executive.
Picture of Dirk Peters

Dirk Peters

Dirk Peters is the Chief Revenue Officer at Scanta Inc, a San Francisco based startup that combines Artificial Intelligence and IO Psychology to create solutions for companies to automatically and continuously understand the employee experience. With over 30 years of international management experience in the high-tech industry, Dirk is a seasoned Silicon Valley executive.
How can employers avoid employee survey fatigue? Check these expert tips - including an idea you probably haven't thought about

Avoiding Survey Fatigue: 4 Tips and a Breakthrough

Without a doubt, employee surveys are the most widely used employee engagement tool. Surveys make it possible for employers to gather workforce feedback quickly and easily in a form that’s convenient and comfortable for participants. They are often easier to set up and manage than other feedback mechanisms. Plus, acceptance rates show that employees prefer surveys over other tools. However, you can have too much of a good thing. In fact, research indicates that a constant flow of surveys can be costly and self-defeating. That’s because it leads to survey fatigue. What is Survey Fatigue? Survey fatigue is a common issue

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