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Picture of DJ Jeffries

DJ Jeffries

DJ Jeffries is an HR innovation analyst at Morgan Stanley and the founder and editor of
Picture of DJ Jeffries

DJ Jeffries

DJ Jeffries is an HR innovation analyst at Morgan Stanley and the founder and editor of
HR Still Needs to Solve its Resume Problem

HR Still Needs to Solve Its Resume Problem

A few weeks ago I was chatting with a friend at another company about an intern set to join my team. To my surprise, he was also excited because his team was hiring a summer intern. We expressed our shared excitement over the ability to teach a young professional. “I have so much to teach him already,” he said to me. “I saw his resume  —  he didn’t even have a hobbies section.” I’ll be honest, before this conversation it hadn’t occurred to me that a hobbies section was a requirement for a good resume. But I’m certain that good people

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