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Picture of Declan Peltier

Declan Peltier

Declan Peltier is a freelance writer operating primarily within the business management niche. With years of experience in the business management industry, Declan has discovered that through his writing he can share this experience with a larger audience. When he's not writing you'll catch Declan watching football on Sundays.
Picture of Declan Peltier

Declan Peltier

Declan Peltier is a freelance writer operating primarily within the business management niche. With years of experience in the business management industry, Declan has discovered that through his writing he can share this experience with a larger audience. When he's not writing you'll catch Declan watching football on Sundays.

To App Or Not To App

There are 7.3 billion people walking this planet. Between them they possess 10 billion mobile internet devices. This bit of information highlights the amount of potential exposure a mobile presence, specifically an app, could translate to for a fledgling business. According to an April 2014 article on, when mobile users are on their devices, 86 percent of that time is spent in an app and 14 percent in a web browser. The exposure and versatility that an app can provide should make this route a lucrative possibility for a business. Creating an app can be expensive, so in order to

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