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Picture of Liana Epstein

Liana Epstein

Liana Epstein has over a decade of experience generating and implementing strategic insights that help organizations drive diversity, equity, and inclusion. She stays on the cutting edge of research technology, with an extensive background in both psychology and artificial intelligence. She loves wrangling data to find elegant, actionable solutions to complex challenges. Liana has a B.A. in Psychology from Yale University and a Ph.D. in Quantitative Social Psychology from University of California, Los Angeles.
Picture of Liana Epstein

Liana Epstein

Liana Epstein has over a decade of experience generating and implementing strategic insights that help organizations drive diversity, equity, and inclusion. She stays on the cutting edge of research technology, with an extensive background in both psychology and artificial intelligence. She loves wrangling data to find elegant, actionable solutions to complex challenges. Liana has a B.A. in Psychology from Yale University and a Ph.D. in Quantitative Social Psychology from University of California, Los Angeles.
ethical ai

Using Ethical AI Technology to Champion DE&I Efforts

Anyone can launch a DEI initiative. The big challenge is to succeed. What’s the biggest roadblock? Human unconscious biases. Psychologists have shown over and over in research studies that our biases are ingrained and automatic. Even if we think we’re champions of equality, the associations are likely still there. For example, studies show that it’s not just men that associate being male with being smart. Women do it too. Why do we have unconscious biases? And why is it so hard to shake them? Biases are shortcuts. They are quick ways to make choices. That doesn’t make them good ways to

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