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Picture of Emily Gatton

Emily Gatton

Emily Gatton, Vice President of Professional Services at Engage2Excel, builds on an extensive, 15-year background in solution design and implementation to create programs that drive engagement and support clients’ strategic business objectives. Emily’s experience guiding client implementations and platform trainings, designing creative recognition solutions for organizations of every size and every vertical, and her vast experience in Engage2Excel’s internal systems and client best practices make her a valuable subject matter expert. Today she leads Engage2Excel’s solution design, communications, and implementation teams as she continues to consult with clients on maximizing impact and delivering creative solutions.
Picture of Emily Gatton

Emily Gatton

Emily Gatton, Vice President of Professional Services at Engage2Excel, builds on an extensive, 15-year background in solution design and implementation to create programs that drive engagement and support clients’ strategic business objectives. Emily’s experience guiding client implementations and platform trainings, designing creative recognition solutions for organizations of every size and every vertical, and her vast experience in Engage2Excel’s internal systems and client best practices make her a valuable subject matter expert. Today she leads Engage2Excel’s solution design, communications, and implementation teams as she continues to consult with clients on maximizing impact and delivering creative solutions.

TCO: The Hidden Costs of HR Technology

Over the past year, the pandemic forced most organizations to re-evaluate their HR technology to better support their workforce in a new work environment. It’s easy to see how these solutions impact expenses, regardless of whether your organization has grown or downsized and whether you’ve implemented one, two, or more new technologies. But upon further examination, you may find additional costs that you don’t see on a balance sheet. These downstream costs come in the form of voluntary turnover, disengaged employees, and a poor employee experience caused by disjointed systems. All of these add to the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

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