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Picture of Eric Vidal

Eric Vidal

Eric Vidal, an industry expert with over 25 years of marketing, HR, and technology experience, is passionate about providing insight and education on the latest work trends. Eric has been a marketing leader for companies of all sizes. He has extensive experience working to achieve measurable business results for organizations like IBM, Cisco, WebEx, Canon USA, West Corp., Dynamic Signal, SAP, and more. Connect with Eric on LinkedIn.
Picture of Eric Vidal

Eric Vidal

Eric Vidal, an industry expert with over 25 years of marketing, HR, and technology experience, is passionate about providing insight and education on the latest work trends. Eric has been a marketing leader for companies of all sizes. He has extensive experience working to achieve measurable business results for organizations like IBM, Cisco, WebEx, Canon USA, West Corp., Dynamic Signal, SAP, and more. Connect with Eric on LinkedIn.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Hiring Process

As artificial intelligence evolves, we’re going to increasingly rely on it for boosting the hiring process. In Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, author Max Tegmark asserts that the “rise of AI has the potential to transform our future more than any other technology.” So it is, as we already see in hiring. AI is already saving HR teams time and money while attracting the best candidates in these key ways: Solving the Sourcing Process A recent study found that 46 percent of companies struggle with finding and attracting the right candidates for their open positions. AI

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Down with the Desk: How Enterprise Mobility is Reshaping the Office

Down with the Desk: How Enterprise Mobility is Reshaping the Office

If you had asked most people at the turn of the millennium what the next 20 years would bring as technology evolved, most assumed that we would be zipping around in flying cars by 2017. They envisioned that we would float to our offices in human-size vacuum transit tubes—like checks entering a bank—unlock our offices with a retina scan, and get to work at our massive digital switchboard of holographic computers. However, the reality of the last 20 years has seen a push toward the elimination of the office altogether, and perhaps with it the disappearance of the conference room culture and desk-bound

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Have a Multigenerational Workforce? Collaboration Tech is the Key to Success

Have a Multigenerational Workforce? Collaboration Tech is the Key to Success

Collaboration tech is making waves this year, allowing teams to be more efficient by streamlining workflows and more connected by facilitating comradery both on and off line. Collaboration platforms aren’t just for those uber-techy, ever-mobile, digital-loving Millennials, though. In fact, that’s the point here: Collaboration tech brings generations of workers together on common ground, giving them the tools they need to thrive together and elevate a business. If you have a multigenerational workforce, let’s examine why collaboration tech is the key to success. The Value of a Multigenerational Workforce Before we can talk about how collaboration tech can help your multigenerational workforce become

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How Data is Driving Employee Burnout—and What to Do About It

How Data is Driving Employee Burnout—and What to Do About It

Big data has gone from buzzword to business staple, affecting everything from how companies recruit and hire to how employees perform core functions in the workplace. It’s indisputable modern tech has infiltrated work habits and boosted the potential for team productivity; nowhere is this observation more evident than in employees’ usage of mobile devices both in and out of the office. However, it also has a negative side: This “always-on” generation of workers are increasingly burned out, largely citing too much work for too little pay—and, ironically, we’ve got the data to prove it. A bombshell study from Kronos Incorporated and

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Tech Trends: A Look at What’s Ahead for HR Tech

Technology touches everything in our lives today, changing both how we consume and how we work. Our team, for example, recently began to experiment with Cisco Spark, a cloud-based collaboration platform that incorporates file sharing, phone calls, team messaging, video chats, and more. That’s just one example of stakeholders leveraging tech tools to become more efficient—there are plenty more. As the market for enterprise tech continues to boom, one area in particular stands out as having an exceptionally robust year: HR technology. In fact, if 2016 is any indication, the HR technology market is about to undergo one of the most

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Collaboration Tech on HR

How Collaboration Tech is Changing Everything about the Business of HR

It’s no secret technology has changed the HR industry. HR tech trends for 2017, in fact, include people data collection turning more to predictive analytics, and the line between marketing and HR blurring when it comes to prioritizing the employee experience—and that’s just for starters. One key shift changing everything about the business of HR is the rise of collaboration tech. Let’s examine the benefits of collaboration tech and why these solutions are replacing outdated HR practices in modern organizations. The Rise of Collaboration Tech Use of collaboration tools has skyrocketed in this age of mobility and connectedness. It seems like every

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