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Picture of Fisher VIsta

Fisher VIsta

Picture of Fisher VIsta

Fisher VIsta

#TChat Preview: The Three Essential Elements Of Compelling Business Vision

The TalentCulture #TChat Show is back live on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, from 7-8 pm ET (4-5 pm PT). The #TChat radio portion runs the first 30 minutes from 7-7:30 pm ET, followed by the #TChat Twitter chat from 7:30-8 pm ET. Last week we talked about how 2015 will be the best year for recruiting since 1999. This week we’re going to talk about the three elements of a clear and compelling business vision. Developing business vision and strategy is difficult to execute. Most leaders default to actions steps and tactical plans and spend most of their time here. Even if

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Is The Phone Screen Going The Way Of The Dinosaur?

The phone screen age has been decades-long, but recent research suggests that now may be the age of the video interview. More than 60 percent of companies are currently using video interviews to screen candidates. This is especially important when you consider the findings of a recent survey conducted by Software Advice that suggests candidates prefer video interviews. Forty-seven percent of respondents who have participated in a video interview prefer them to phone interviews, while only 36 percent prefer phone interviews. Why are more and more companies using video interviewing? Why do more candidates prefer video interviews to phone screens? Put

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Connecting Your Employer Brand And Candidate Experience

Look around you, managers, and what do you see? My guess: disengaged employees with Zombie stares, some with the sour look of the disappointed, a few with the overly positive, can-do smile, trying desperately to make things work. Why is this happening? A lot of this is the fault of a poor connection between managers and line-of-business employees. Worse, it inevitably trickles into a broken recruitment and communication process with potential candidates. The good news? We can turn this around. It’s in your power to take control of your recruiting process and employer brand. The truth is most job seekers are looking

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There IS A War For Talent In 2015

Are you ready for a wild ride? 2015 is here, and it is going to be one of the best years we have seen in recruiting since 1999. Yes, consumer confidence is up and unemployment is the lowest we have seen it in years. Do you have the recruitment professionals in place to take advantage of this opportunity? If not, you need to evaluate what your organization needs to do to capitalize on attracting the right talent to your organization. Think about this. The candidates your company could not attract for years because of economic uncertainty are now listening to opportunities.

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Be Real, Have Fun: Advice From 30 Years In HR

My name is Tim Collins, and I’m delighted to be a new TalentCulture contributor. I’ve been a business guy doing HR work for more than 30 years, including 19 years at Procter & Gamble and 11 years at IBM, two great companies (clearly, I love blue logos); I retired from the latter at the end of 2014. During my career, I worked long hours, did some cool stuff, had a bunch of fun, worked with some great people, and got paid for it. Ka-ching! I could bore you with the things I’ve done, places I’ve been, and buzzwords I’ve heard, but

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#TChat Preview: How To Become Workplace Fascinating

The TalentCulture #TChat Show is back live on Wednesday, February 11, 2015, from 7-8 pm ET (4-5 pm PT). The #TChat radio portion runs the first 30 minutes from 7-7:30 pm ET, followed by the #TChat Twitter chat from 7:30-8 pm ET. Last week we talked about whether or not HR should be split into two branches. This week we’re going to talk about how to become workplace fascinating. Of course there are plenty of personality assessments that tell you how you see the world. But how does the world see you? What makes you or your company’s brand most fascinating, and

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Care About Employees, But Be Careful

I have conducted a number of management training programs in which I have asked managers what they think employees expect of them. Among the most common answers: respect, recognition, consistency, fairness and open communication. All of these are necessary. But they are not sufficient. Less frequently raised is the reality that employees want to know that their manager cares about them. No employee wants to be “just a number.” Employees who feel cared for are more engaged. And, companies with engaged employees are more profitable. In her article “Lead with Love and You’ll Love the Results,” TalentCulture CEO Meghan M. Biro

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5 Tips For Effective Multigenerational Employee Recognition

Here’s a surprise about managing multigenerational workforces: when it comes to being recognized for their hard work, the “generations” are remarkably similar. A 2013 O.C. Tanner Institute global research study found that all employees, regardless of age, are far more engaged, driven and connected to the company when they’re recognized for their contributions. They have better work relationships too. The following statistics from the study show just a couple examples of the consistent value of recognition across generations. Drive and determination Strong Recognition Programs: 88% of employees ages 25-44 and 89% of those ages 45+ report feeling a high sense of

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#TChat Preview: A World Gone Social And The Power Of OPEN

The TalentCulture #TChat Show will be back live on Wednesday, January 7, 2015, from 7-8 pm ET (4-5 pm PT). The #TChat radio portion runs the first 30 minutes from 7-7:30 pm ET, followed by the #TChat Twitter chat from 7:30-8 pm ET. Last time we talked about how to make waves and initiate positive change, and this week we’re going to talk about a world gone social and the power of OPEN (Ordinary Person | Extraordinary Network). Thankfully, the Industrial Age is gone, and finally so is autocratic, dictatorial leadership style that came with it. Today’s business world has entered

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5 Key Recruitment Trends For 2015

Widening gaps between demand and supply of skilled workers mean that recruitment will see a more competitive hiring and spending environment in 2015. In the coming year, 69% of recruiters expect to see competition increase. In the face of more challenging recruitment, what trends do recruiters need to keep up with to ensure successful sourcing and hiring in 2015? Here are the five key trends that you need to know about. Increased Focus on Quality of Hire It’s no secret that hiring the best people is the way to boost organizational success, and 2015 will see the quality of candidates becoming

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Creating Happier, Engaged Workplaces: A Conversation

Sadly, feeling disconnected from our work is not a rarity — and for all the attention focused upon the issue, progress has eluded us. To solve the greater work-life-happiness dilemma, it is becoming clear that we need to implement swift, concrete changes in the way we work. The construct of engagement, for example, has served as the basis for relevant debate, and remains a critical issue that deserves our deepest thought and undivided attention. However, we may be focusing far too much on measurement, and too little on specific strategies to affect the problems. Measurement is simply not enough — unless

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5 Tips To Overcome Being Overwhelmed At Work

Work stresses people out. In fact, 1 million Americans call in sick over stress every day and 25% say work is the most stressful thing in their lives. The volume of work, urgency of quarter or year end, competing demands and the need to succeed can merge into a sensation of being overwhelmed. When we’re overwhelmed, we rarely do or deliver our best. These five tips can help you reclaim control over your time and your experience so you achieve real results with less angst: 1. Organize for Lower-Stress Success Eliminate stress and increase your odds of achieving your goals by 64% by

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Legal Hangovers After The Holiday Party

Every January, after the holiday season, I receive at least a half-dozen calls from clients whose employees have raised, formally and informally, complaints about conduct occurring during the holiday party. Can all risks be avoided? Of course not. But the legal and employee relations risks can be minimized if you follow these 7 recommendations: 1. Call it a holiday party rather than a Christmas party. Not everyone celebrates Christmas. But it is okay to mention “Christmas” in the invitation. Please don’t exclude Christmas (says the Jewish guy). Just include other holidays, too, such as Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. As always it’s about

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Secret Santa: Background Checks & Holiday Temp Workers

Perhaps it’s because I work in the HR space? I don’t know, but I just can’t help it. I know in so many ways the holiday season is about suspending belief, even magic. Particularly if you have children, this is critical. But the truth is, when I see Santa up on his throne at the mall, taking one child after another up onto his lap for a recital of holiday wants and wishes, I don’t just see the candy canes, the mistletoe, and the happy, excited faces. I also see a temporary worker who likely didn’t undergo a proper background check.

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Culture as a Competitive Advantage

A high-performing culture starts with a culture of learning and development. I know what you are thinking: culture is complex. I am speaking of high-performing results. A company that sets out to entice employees with flexibility, comfort, beverage bars and all that we have seen in new culture practices will struggle for long-term success. Be prepared to feed this type of culture some cash. I believe culture is an outcome and, by the end of this article, I will show you where to start the process. But before we get into where to start, I would like to talk to you

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Being Great Means Being Grateful

It’s Friday and you’ve probably had a long week and a long day. Maybe you’re ready to call it a week or you’re bogged down in how much work you’re going to take home for the weekend. Either way, NOW is the perfect time to experience gratitude. It’s the ultimate win/win: we feel great when we experience gratitude and, when we share it, other people feel great too. If you’re a team leader, valuing your team is an essential part of your job; our teams do their best when they know they’re valued and get regular feedback (and so do we).

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3 Ways To Future-Proof Your Career

A realization that we haven’t made the smartest of career moves might have dawned on many of us when reading the news this week. Experts have predicted that 10 million British jobs — which equates to one in three roles — could be taken over by computers and robots. Whilst honing our skills to make sure we are indispensable in the workplace is still essential, it’s equally important to remember that we are competing against computers as well as people. If you want to make sure a robot couldn’t do your job in the future, it’s vital to future-proof your career

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How To Positively Impact Other People

“When eating bamboo sprouts, remember the man who planted them.” — Chinese Proverb Do you find that your life is busier than it’s ever been before? You’re taking on projects, going more places and meeting the people, and trying to get more done than ever before? You know that you’re not taking time for yourself, but you don’t know how you can change your situation. Unfortunately, you have your blinders on and, as you struggle to get your “stuff” done, you simply fail to notice the world around you. Practicing mindfulness is one way you can intentionally start to pay attention to

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Be Fearless About Feedback

Over 70% of employees think their performance would improve with more feedback and the vast majority say that recognition is more rewarding than cash. This presents a tremendous opportunity for both managers and team members. While feedback on what we do well is gratifying, feedback on what we can do better helps us improve — it’s an essential ingredient in career growth. As Ken Blanchard so aptly said, “Feedback is the breakfast of champions!” Unfortunately most employees say they don’t get enough feedback. This is in part because giving and getting feedback can be emotionally charged, which inhibits giving it and may reduce our

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How To Use Social Media To Build Your Personal Brand

If you’re still only using social media to chat with your friends and family, then it won’t be landing you a job anytime soon. Companies across the world are creating social media strategies to promote themselves, showcase their brands, and reach new customers. But you don’t have to be a business to make a name for yourself online — a single person can do it too. Creating a Multi-Platform Brand The biggest mistake people make when starting their social media brand is using the social media accounts that they created when they were 13. Of course, when your teenage self put

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#TChat Preview: World Of Work Productivity And E-mail Excellence

The TalentCulture #TChat Show is back live on Wednesday, November 5, 2014, from 7-8 pm ET (4-5 pm PT). The #TChat radio portion runs the first 30 minutes from 7-7:30 pm ET, followed by the #TChat Twitter chat from 7:30-8 pm ET. Last week we talked about the business leadership cliff and how to avoid it, and this week we’re going to talk about productivity and e-mail excellence. Yes, that right — productivity and e-mail excellence. The fact is, no matter how much some of us feel that e-mail is killing “world of work” productivity, it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.

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Why A Bit Of Boredom Might Help Your Career

“When you pay attention to boredom, it gets unbelievably interesting.” —John Kabat-Zinn Boredom is something most of us try to avoid at all costs, and thanks to today’s vibrant entertainment industry there is usually no shortage of activities to keep us occupied from the time we wake until the moment our head hits the pillow at night. Work, however, is one place where tedium is often difficult to avoid, but new research shows that this may not necessarily be a bad thing. Boredom allows creativity to flourish Recently, psychologists Dr. Sandi Mann and Rebekah Cadman from the University of Central Lancashire (United Kingdom)

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The Surprising Reality Of The Working Dads Movement

We’ve all started hearing it — the term “working dad.” Some may be saying it with confidence, but others might be snickering away, thinking, “Great, here comes another phrase for people to go crazy over.” Reality is, it’s not a new concept. Working dads have existed since cavemen had babies. But as the workplace continues to grow beyond a 9-to-5 job and the corner office is no longer the most prized possession, we all need to sit up and take note of what real people, real dads, find value in. The Working Dad of Today So working dads are nothing new,

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Job Market Demands Creative Thinkers

The current job market demands creative thinkers. A recent study titled “Tomorrow’s Most Wanted” (conducted by Global Learning Institute Hyper Island and Edelman in Stockholm, Sweden) suggests that creativity, among other personality traits, is more important than technical skill sets. Most applicants have a specific technical skill set related to the positions to which they are applying. However, the unsettling piece of this (at least for those currently looking for jobs) is that it can create a false sense of confidence in applicants. Did you ever submit an application to a job (that you were qualified for) with the utmost confidence that you

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The Great Rated! People’s Picks: 20 Great Workplaces In Technology

(Above: Workday photo) The tech industry isn’t just transforming our world with gadgets, apps and entirely new ways of communicating. Leading tech firms also are upgrading the workplace, inventing corporate climates that are fun, fair and focused on allowing employees to integrate their professional and personal lives. They also excel at hiring people who are a good fit for their organization. We at Great Rated! decided to spotlight tech firms on the cutting edge of company culture by creating “The Great Rated!TM People’s Picks: 20 Great Workplaces in Technology.” The top large technology workplaces (those with 1,000 or more employees) are:

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