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Picture of Gail Tolstoi-Miller

Gail Tolstoi-Miller

Gail Tolstoi-Miller is an award-winning entrepreneur, CEO, career coach and staffing strategist. Her companies, Consultnetworx and Speednetworx are focused on connecting people for mutual fit and success. The firms’ new division, Careernetworx, will soon provide job seekers with exclusive access to training portals and career coaching services. Gail’s first book, Networking Karma was released earlier this year.
Picture of Gail Tolstoi-Miller

Gail Tolstoi-Miller

Gail Tolstoi-Miller is an award-winning entrepreneur, CEO, career coach and staffing strategist. Her companies, Consultnetworx and Speednetworx are focused on connecting people for mutual fit and success. The firms’ new division, Careernetworx, will soon provide job seekers with exclusive access to training portals and career coaching services. Gail’s first book, Networking Karma was released earlier this year.

6 Reasons to Hire Older, Out-of-Work Workers

Age discrimination? Those of us in the staffing industry see our fair share. And although this bias is covert and unspoken, it is undeniable and certainly disconcerting. HR professionals, hiring managers, and the organizations they work for need to be more creative and thoughtful in utilizing talent of all ages to synergize the workplace. Ignoring or discarding the rich experience and wisdom of our aging work force may one day lead to large voids of expertise and skill across many industries and markets. When interviewing an older worker, those responsible for hiring should try changing their mind-set and looking at these

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Air Ball Resumes – 5 Harmful Effects of Shooting for the Wrong Jobs

Last week, one of my recruiters had an all-out melt down. She was angry, frustrated and just plain pissed at all of the hours she spent going through “air ball” resumes. You know, those resumes that are totally, absolutely, embarrassingly off the mark. She bemoaned that more than 90% of the applicants were unqualified for the positions they were applying for. This statistic translates into dozens of wasted hours of time–hours that she could have used to help put people to work. When it comes to sourcing resumes, quality trumps quantity every time. Recruiters and hiring managers would rather get 2 or

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Job Secret: Networking Cards to Bust Open New Opportunities

Are you considering a significant change of direction, career-wise? Would you prefer NOT to be associated with your current employer or company when meeting new people? Well then, you may want your business card to reflect this with a very small investment in a custom Networking Cards. (Don’t worry. This isn’t a sales pitch. Just some real good career advice! Read on…) Today, you can create a customized Networking Card for your specific goal—whether you’re pursuing a career change, post-college job search or entrepreneurial dream. Unlike your typical business card, which features your employer’s company brand, slogan and contact information, your Networking Card puts

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Hiring Without Bias 3 Steps Your Company Needs to Take

With the relentless media focus on the subject of diversity, you may think that bias in the hiring process is a well-controlled issue. It’s not! In fact, one of the biggest challenges and most frequent missteps of recruiters, hiring manager and companies is overlooking fair and impartial hiring practices, at every level of employment and for every type of position. Overcoming these inclinations starts at the top, with a change of corporate culture. Once leadership recognizing that unconscious biases affect all decisions making, they can begin to improve their hiring practices with these three vital steps . STEP ONE: BUILD AWARENESS

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