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Picture of Gladys Simen

Gladys Simen

Gladys Simen is a life coach for moms who are trying to balance their work and family life. She is a life enthusiast who has lived in 5 different countries and mastered 2 languages. She was in a position where she had to have two personalities: strict and serious at work, and free and happy at home because she worked in an English corporate job with a lot of specific expectations. After moving to Canada and becoming a mom, she began to advocate for what she believed in, looking for the best way to be an exceptional example for her kids. It took becoming a fabulous mama for her to tap into some BIG superpowers within herself. Superpowers like staying present in the moment, being courageous, and advocating for herself and others. Now, she is passionate about helping women live big, beautiful, shooting-for-the-stars kind of lives…right now. Not in 10 years. Not when the kids are grown. Not after that promotion finally comes around. Right. Now. Gladys considers herself an advocate for the working mama! She loves sharing her own stories about her journey to balance home and work life, and loves supporting fellow working mothers on their journeys.
Picture of Gladys Simen

Gladys Simen

Gladys Simen is a life coach for moms who are trying to balance their work and family life. She is a life enthusiast who has lived in 5 different countries and mastered 2 languages. She was in a position where she had to have two personalities: strict and serious at work, and free and happy at home because she worked in an English corporate job with a lot of specific expectations. After moving to Canada and becoming a mom, she began to advocate for what she believed in, looking for the best way to be an exceptional example for her kids. It took becoming a fabulous mama for her to tap into some BIG superpowers within herself. Superpowers like staying present in the moment, being courageous, and advocating for herself and others. Now, she is passionate about helping women live big, beautiful, shooting-for-the-stars kind of lives…right now. Not in 10 years. Not when the kids are grown. Not after that promotion finally comes around. Right. Now. Gladys considers herself an advocate for the working mama! She loves sharing her own stories about her journey to balance home and work life, and loves supporting fellow working mothers on their journeys.
Retain Female Talent

Women in the Workplace: How to Retain Female Talent

Millions of Americans have left the workforce due to the ongoing public health crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic. This situation has particularly impacted female employees who had to become the primary caretakers of their children when schools and daycares closed. As a result, many women had to leave their jobs, and companies lost some of their most outstanding employees. Now companies need to spend time deciding how they can better accommodate, empower, and retain female talent with children. I am a life coach, helping ambitious working moms become their best selves every day. Part of this is educating companies on how

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