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Picture of George Dickson

George Dickson

George Dickson specializes in content and customer success at Bonusly, a web platform for peer-to-peer bonuses, rewards, and recognition in the workplace. You can find him on twitter as @bridgermind.
Picture of George Dickson

George Dickson

George Dickson specializes in content and customer success at Bonusly, a web platform for peer-to-peer bonuses, rewards, and recognition in the workplace. You can find him on twitter as @bridgermind.

3 Unexpected Costs of Poor Employee Engagement

Despite an increased focus worldwide, many organizations still struggle with employee engagement. Deloitte University Press recently published its Global Human Capital Trends 2015 report, which found that “87 percent of organizations cite culture and engagement as one of their top challenges.” This is a challenge worth solving, and not just because building an engaging company culture is ‘the right thing to do.’ There are massive costs associated with poor employee engagement. Some of those costs are clear as day, but a surprising number of these costs aren’t immediately obvious. Here are just three of the many unexpected costs of poor employee

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