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Picture of Heike Wiesner

Heike Wiesner

Heike is a passionate, driven leader who has been helping blue chip companies gain exceptional results in Germany and the UK for over 30 years. She specializes in helping businesses achieve revenue growth and margin contribution through sustainable, future-proof business strategies that balance consumer needs with organizational goals. Currently, Heike serves as Director of Demand Generation HCM at Unit4 Global, where she focuses on channel and account development and other strategic marketing priorities.
Picture of Heike Wiesner

Heike Wiesner

Heike is a passionate, driven leader who has been helping blue chip companies gain exceptional results in Germany and the UK for over 30 years. She specializes in helping businesses achieve revenue growth and margin contribution through sustainable, future-proof business strategies that balance consumer needs with organizational goals. Currently, Heike serves as Director of Demand Generation HCM at Unit4 Global, where she focuses on channel and account development and other strategic marketing priorities.
Job Design: Is it time to rethink your approach? Learn more in this article...

Job Design: Is It Time to Rethink Your Approach?

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the last article in a 4-part series sponsored by Unit4. The series outlines a new approach to talent strategy for people-centric organizations. This final post looks at why and how employers should rethink job design.   As we close this series about how employers can reinvent their talent strategy for the future of work, we turn our attention to one of the most important ways to attract and engage the people your organization needs to succeed. Namely, we’re looking at why this is the right time to revisit your approach to job design. For most of the

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