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Picture of Jagoda Perich-Anderson

Jagoda Perich-Anderson

Jagoda Perich-Anderson, M.A. is the founder of Conflict Tango whose mission is to help people reduce stress and increase confidence in conflict situations. She is the author of a FREE eBook with 26 ways to do just that: Conflict to Creativity from A to Z. Jagoda brings her passion and 20+ years of leadership development experience to teaching leaders how to combine creativity and conflict management skills to empower innovative solutions.
Picture of Jagoda Perich-Anderson

Jagoda Perich-Anderson

Jagoda Perich-Anderson, M.A. is the founder of Conflict Tango whose mission is to help people reduce stress and increase confidence in conflict situations. She is the author of a FREE eBook with 26 ways to do just that: Conflict to Creativity from A to Z. Jagoda brings her passion and 20+ years of leadership development experience to teaching leaders how to combine creativity and conflict management skills to empower innovative solutions.

The No Fear Approach To Handling A Combative Employee

As a new manager, you’re glad to have Chris on your team. He seems like an ideal employee: smart, experienced and gets things done. There’s just one problem. He disagrees with you and his co-workers at every turn. It’s to the point where the mere sound of his tread approaching your desk makes you cringe and wish you wore armor. In meetings, he challenges your and others’ ideas and has been known to shout and pound the table. Citing his many years in the industry, he corrects you in front of your boss and during teleconferences with suppliers. Chris’s team mates

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