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Picture of James Bowley

James Bowley

James Bowley is a recognized thought leader in the human capital management space. In his current role, Mr. Bowley leads innovation strategy for PeopleFluent’s suite of talent management solutions. During his tenure of nearly two decades in senior management, PeopleFluent experienced double-digit growth and differentiated its solution footprint by responding to and anticipating client needs—including the advent of video, mobile, and social capabilities, as well as technology to support diversity and compliance initiatives. Prior to joining PeopleFluent, Mr. Bowley was an organizational consulting and communications consultant for Towers Perrin (now Willis Towers Watson) and Mercer. He contributes to publications such Talent Management Magazine, Human Resource Executive, HR Magazine and
Picture of James Bowley

James Bowley

James Bowley is a recognized thought leader in the human capital management space. In his current role, Mr. Bowley leads innovation strategy for PeopleFluent’s suite of talent management solutions. During his tenure of nearly two decades in senior management, PeopleFluent experienced double-digit growth and differentiated its solution footprint by responding to and anticipating client needs—including the advent of video, mobile, and social capabilities, as well as technology to support diversity and compliance initiatives. Prior to joining PeopleFluent, Mr. Bowley was an organizational consulting and communications consultant for Towers Perrin (now Willis Towers Watson) and Mercer. He contributes to publications such Talent Management Magazine, Human Resource Executive, HR Magazine and

Talent Management Systems That Deliver Real Productivity: 3 Things You Should Demand When Evaluating HR Tech

Technology is intended to make employees feel more connected and productive in their organizations. So why do so many employees feel distanced from their teams and distracted from the goals of the organization? Is the technology that is supposed to bring us closer together and make us more collaborative inadvertently alienating the people you depend on to make your business thrive? Virtually any organization is susceptible to this phenomenon, but 24/7 operations — in industries like manufacturing and healthcare — represent a particularly challenging environment. Communication style and timeliness can vary widely from shift to shift, and access to technology often

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