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Picture of Justin Angsuwat

Justin Angsuwat

Justin has a strong track record of growing strong workplace cultures, scaling hyper-growth organizations, creating high-performing teams and driving cultural transformations. Prior to joining Culture Amp, Justin served as Chief People Officer and Operating Principal at venture capital firm Blackbird Ventures. He played a pivotal role in spearheading people and culture initiatives for the firm as well as being a key advisor and board member to its portfolio companies, including as a Board Advisor for Culture Amp. He has also held executive HR roles at Google and Thumbtack where he was based in San Francisco.
Picture of Justin Angsuwat

Justin Angsuwat

Justin has a strong track record of growing strong workplace cultures, scaling hyper-growth organizations, creating high-performing teams and driving cultural transformations. Prior to joining Culture Amp, Justin served as Chief People Officer and Operating Principal at venture capital firm Blackbird Ventures. He played a pivotal role in spearheading people and culture initiatives for the firm as well as being a key advisor and board member to its portfolio companies, including as a Board Advisor for Culture Amp. He has also held executive HR roles at Google and Thumbtack where he was based in San Francisco.
The Culture Engine

A Case for Culture: A 5 Step Guide

Sponsored by Culture Amp Creating a business case for culture is a priority for senior HR leaders, CHROs, and CPOs. It’s especially true in these uncertain economic times, where investment in employee experience can feel like a soft strategy and a hard sell.  The reality is that culture underpins performance and is directly linked to productivity. We want to elevate HR on the executive agenda and build a business case for investment in people, places and culture. So, we need to be prepared to take our executive team on the journey with us. This means spelling out the value of culture,

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