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Picture of John Greene

John Greene

John P. Greene manages and directs all tasks and responsibilities for account managers, sales engineers, and administrative sales staff for New Era Technology’s audio visual business. Greene brings particular dedication and insight to his technology and sales direction, as he has been actively involved in various aspects of the audio visual and technology industry since 1979. His experience spans the areas of video, security and surveillance, broadcast technology, and a brief stint as a radio announcer at the start of his career. Greene has previously held executive management positions with notable technology firms and video equipment manufacturers. Greene is an InfoComm member and an InfoComm Certified Technology Specialist (CTS).
Picture of John Greene

John Greene

John P. Greene manages and directs all tasks and responsibilities for account managers, sales engineers, and administrative sales staff for New Era Technology’s audio visual business. Greene brings particular dedication and insight to his technology and sales direction, as he has been actively involved in various aspects of the audio visual and technology industry since 1979. His experience spans the areas of video, security and surveillance, broadcast technology, and a brief stint as a radio announcer at the start of his career. Greene has previously held executive management positions with notable technology firms and video equipment manufacturers. Greene is an InfoComm member and an InfoComm Certified Technology Specialist (CTS).

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