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Picture of John Marquez

John Marquez

John Marquez is a digital marketing consultant at Optimist and Search Forge, where he helps SaaS companies and digital agencies optimize their search visibility.
Picture of John Marquez

John Marquez

John Marquez is a digital marketing consultant at Optimist and Search Forge, where he helps SaaS companies and digital agencies optimize their search visibility.
Workforce Change Readiness

How to Reskill Your Workforce for Tomorrow’s Challenges

Workplace evolution is natural. In its time, the digital workplace of the late 20th century was revolutionary. But that era has come and gone. And as time passes, digital innovation is moving forward faster and faster. No wonder today’s employees are concerned about how they can reskill for the future. According to a recent Workplace Intelligence survey, 78% of U.S. workers think they don’t have sufficient skills to advance in their careers. What’s more, 70% feel unprepared for the future of work. This is particularly frustrating for people from younger generations. As a result, they’re looking for career development opportunities that

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6 Ways to Engage With Your Employees and Prevent Attrition

One of the important factors involved in running a business is finding and retaining good employees. Yet, employees choosing to leave a job due to a lack of connection and engagement has increased. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that 4.5 million Americans quit their jobs in March 2022. Known as the “Great Resignation,” this trend has caught the attention of CEOs, upper-level management, and HR professionals. So why are these workers leaving, and what can you do as a business owner to improve retention? Let’s explore how you can improve employee engagement within your organization and hold onto the

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