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Picture of Jeremy Silverstein

Jeremy Silverstein

Jeremy Silverstein is Vice President of Operations and Vehicle Dispatching at Veteran Car Donations. During the years he’s been with the organization, he has become quite an expert in the industry and has handled tens of thousands of donated vehicles.
Picture of Jeremy Silverstein

Jeremy Silverstein

Jeremy Silverstein is Vice President of Operations and Vehicle Dispatching at Veteran Car Donations. During the years he’s been with the organization, he has become quite an expert in the industry and has handled tens of thousands of donated vehicles.

Bridge the Talent Gap by Recruiting And Hiring Veterans: Strategies You Need to Know

There’s a gap between underemployed military veterans and the employers that would benefit from their skills — and it’s a clear opportunity. A veteran leaving military service has the training and abilities to land great careers, presuming they can find the right employer. But many employers do not know how to hire veterans and are unaware of the benefits that veterans offer. The solution? Recognize veterans as a vital part of the modern workforce, create a hiring plan that enables a smooth transition to civilian life and work, and augment your ranks. Understand the Obstacles to the Veteran Transition When veterans

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