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Picture of Kara Hertzog

Kara Hertzog

Kara Hertzog is president of Innovative Employee Solutions (IES), a leading provider of remote and contingent workforce solutions specializing in global Employer of Record, Agent of Record, and Independent Contractor compliance services in 150+ countries.
Picture of Kara Hertzog

Kara Hertzog

Kara Hertzog is president of Innovative Employee Solutions (IES), a leading provider of remote and contingent workforce solutions specializing in global Employer of Record, Agent of Record, and Independent Contractor compliance services in 150+ countries.
Maximizing The Value of Your Contingent Workforce - TalentCulture

Maximizing The Value of Your Contingent Workforce

The modern workplace has changed dramatically — along with the composition of today’s workforce. An increasing number of companies now rely on a mix of internal and external contributors to achieve business goals. In today’s ever-changing business environment, it’s necessary to increase flexibility by supplementing employees with temporary, project-focused talent. This contingent workforce often brings a depth of experience and diverse skills that are essential for business success. The Challenge of a Blended Approach A recent Deloitte-MIT study underscores the popularity of this approach, with 80% of leaders saying their organization’s success depends on external workers. Also, nearly 90% say it’s

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