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Picture of Karl Bimshas

Karl Bimshas

Karl Bimshas is a Boston-bred and California-chilled leadership advisor and writer. His San Diego-based firm, Karl Bimshas Consulting, focuses on existing strengths and collaborates with busy professionals who run small businesses or large departments and want to manage better and lead well.
Picture of Karl Bimshas

Karl Bimshas

Karl Bimshas is a Boston-bred and California-chilled leadership advisor and writer. His San Diego-based firm, Karl Bimshas Consulting, focuses on existing strengths and collaborates with busy professionals who run small businesses or large departments and want to manage better and lead well.
Refuse Generational Labels

Refuse Generational Labels; You’ll Lead Better

Scroll through your social media feed, and it’s highly likely you’ll see a post that bashes Millennials and the generation of kids today. Usually, there’s a picture of a string of teenagers looking at their phones or taking selfies with dire warnings of the coming apocalypse written underneath. Or perhaps you’ve seen the guilt-inducing, “share if you agree” tirade that includes a grainy vintage photo and words extolling how you came from a generation that used to play in the dirt with rusty nails, and you turned out okay. Whether you are a part of the Lost Generation, The Baby Boomers,

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