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Picture of Kerry Anne Carter

Kerry Anne Carter

Kerry Anne Carter is vice president of sales and breakroom strategy at Staples Business Advantage, the business-to-business division of Staples. Her responsibilities include fostering relationships to showcase the assortment of breakroom offerings provided by Staples Business Advantage – including healthy food and beverages, office furniture, appliances, technology and cleaning solutions.
Picture of Kerry Anne Carter

Kerry Anne Carter

Kerry Anne Carter is vice president of sales and breakroom strategy at Staples Business Advantage, the business-to-business division of Staples. Her responsibilities include fostering relationships to showcase the assortment of breakroom offerings provided by Staples Business Advantage – including healthy food and beverages, office furniture, appliances, technology and cleaning solutions.

How to Recharge Your Workforce and Improve Productivity

Take a look around your office. How many employees are glued to their computer screens? Eating lunch at their desks? Is the breakroom empty? With so many people answering “yes” to those questions, it’s no surprise there’s a big trend sweeping across U.S. workplaces: employees are burned out and aren’t taking enough breaks to recharge. In fact, a recent study by Staples Business Advantage, the business-to-business division of Staples, shows employees are working longer hours (70 percent spend more than 40 hours a week at work), but taking fewer breaks than in the past. This unfortunate trend can seriously hinder productivity,

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