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Picture of Leila Zayed

Leila Zayed

Leila Zayed is a thought leader, national speaker and VP of Best Companies Group, a leading international employee research firm.
Picture of Leila Zayed

Leila Zayed

Leila Zayed is a thought leader, national speaker and VP of Best Companies Group, a leading international employee research firm.

Four Tips for Measuring Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is all the buzz, and rightfully so. When employees are engaged, they adopt the vision, values, and purpose of the organization they work for. They become passionate contributors, innovating problem solvers, and stunning colleagues. High-performing employees want to work in places like that. Smart employers want to cultivate that kind of environment. So What is Employee Engagement, Exactly? When employees are engaged, they’re satisfied and look forward to going to work. Engaged employees have a sense of meaning and purpose, and they’re proud of the organization, recommending products – and even employment – to their friends and family. They

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