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Picture of Li Lin

Li Lin

Li Lin is a career coach turned business coach who has helped her clients land positions at Google, Sabre, MoneyEconomics, Conning, and more. She began her career journey with 0 internships but a lot of hustle and social media knowhow, finally becoming a business analyst at an online marketing consultancy. Since then, she's helped clients land jobs and now helps new business owners get their first clients. You can find her at www.Li-Lin.Net
Picture of Li Lin

Li Lin

Li Lin is a career coach turned business coach who has helped her clients land positions at Google, Sabre, MoneyEconomics, Conning, and more. She began her career journey with 0 internships but a lot of hustle and social media knowhow, finally becoming a business analyst at an online marketing consultancy. Since then, she's helped clients land jobs and now helps new business owners get their first clients. You can find her at www.Li-Lin.Net

How to Become A Business Analyst In 3 Steps

Back in 2012, I was fresh from my post-college backpacking trip in Thailand, and I was ready for my first big girl job. But the issue was that I had n0 internships throughout college, I had no experience working for somebody in the field I was interested in (online marketing), and I had no idea what I was going to do next. Luckily I had invested in a program called Find Your Dream Job by Ramit Sethi and I started to realize that getting a job was not (just) about your education and your experience, but who you know. Even though

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