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Picture of Matt Straz

Matt Straz

Matt Straz is the founder & CEO of Namely, the HR, payroll, and benefits platform built for today's workplace.
Picture of Matt Straz

Matt Straz

Matt Straz is the founder & CEO of Namely, the HR, payroll, and benefits platform built for today's workplace.

How to Create a User-Friendly Workplace with Tech

Remember when meetings outside of the office meant dragging stacks of documents, projects,  or presentations everywhere? We’ve already forgotten just how important paper used to be.  Fortunately for the modern worker, those cluttered days are long gone. The influx of mobile technology has put user experience front and center for consumers. Our day-to-day is certainly more convenient, but it’s that same technology has also reshaped how we do business in the workplace. How we communicate, how we collaborate, and when and where we get work done— technology touches it all. The office space of yesterday has been taken over by several

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3 Ways to Influence, Not Control, Employee Commitment

If you’ve read various leadership forums, you’re probably familiar with the concept of control versus influence. Controlling and authoritative personalities in management motivate employees to act, but it’s usually out of fear or requirement — neither of which produce a sense of commitment to an organization. When it comes to managing an employee’s psychological attachment and involvement in a company, it’s best to realize that “controlling” is impossible in this situation because we are dealing with attachment on a psychological level. If managers could control thoughts, we’d belong in a science fiction film. Instead, the way managers communicate and act trigger

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