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Picture of Michele Ellner

Michele Ellner

Michele Ellner is the Director of Marketing for Montage and has worked closely with recruiters and talent acquisition professionals throughout her career. She markets for the most mature video interviewing solution available, purpose-built to transform the hiring experience one smile at a time. Michele has focused her career on talent acquisition technology, staffing, HR services and outsourcing for over 20 years.
Picture of Michele Ellner

Michele Ellner

Michele Ellner is the Director of Marketing for Montage and has worked closely with recruiters and talent acquisition professionals throughout her career. She markets for the most mature video interviewing solution available, purpose-built to transform the hiring experience one smile at a time. Michele has focused her career on talent acquisition technology, staffing, HR services and outsourcing for over 20 years.

Is Your Job Preview for Candidates Fact or Fiction?

Let’s just admit it. As recruiters and TA professionals, we may oversell a job role or embroider our corporate employment experience once in a while in order to get that perfect candidate in the door. Sometimes it works and we make a great hire. And, sometimes that great new hire leaves. What if we could avoid this whole scenario by giving candidates a more Realistic Job Preview (RJP) using technology? With video, employers can easily give as much to the job candidate as the candidate gives to you.  RJPs via video can help you pull better-fit candidates through your hiring process

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