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Picture of Nicole Dominique Le Maire

Nicole Dominique Le Maire

Nicole is CEO of The People Engine Ltd. with the brands New To HR, Human Resources Global and am an internationally recognised #GlobalHR revolutionary.
Picture of Nicole Dominique Le Maire

Nicole Dominique Le Maire

Nicole is CEO of The People Engine Ltd. with the brands New To HR, Human Resources Global and am an internationally recognised #GlobalHR revolutionary.

MOOCs: Growing In Popularity Every Day

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) are growing in popularity every day. Not surprisingly, because these are educational courses you can access online; they are massive because there is theoretically no limit to the number of people who can sign up to them, and they are open because they are almost always free to take and often free to copy and redistribute too. MOOCs provide digital learning resources and use tests (or ‘problem sets’ in the lingo) to help learners self-evaluate their progress; and while they do not tend to offer academic credits, successful students can often ‘buy’ a certificate as evidence for

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Talent: Long-Term Perspective Pays Greater Dividends

There are two ways to think about an organization’s talent, one that takes a short-term perspective and another that takes a long-term perspective. In choosing which approach is preferable, it’s important to take a deeper look at the evidence and data. In the first approach, the focus is on deriving as much value from workers as possible within as short a time frame as possible, knowing that an employee is likely to leave within two years. In the other, the long-term perspective, the focus is on a much longer time horizon, in which an employee is expected to learn, grow and

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Does your HR Function need to Rebrand?

‘What?‘ I hear you ask. Departments don’t have a brand – surely they come under the company umbrella. Actually, every component of a company, from its newest employee to its global empire has a brand. And if your team and department is being kept out in the rain when it comes to strategic policy-making, is the last to know about significant changes or is rarely visited by the top executives then you may need to fashion your own form of weather protection – and the brighter it is the better! Why Brand the HR Function? In some ways, HR Tech and

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