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Picture of Paul Wilson

Paul Wilson

Paul Wilson was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Nigel Wright Group in January 2014. He has over 40 years of global recruitment industry experience in the UK and overseas. During his career, he has successfully built high performing teams and grown specialist recruitment businesses around the globe. Paul led the Nigel Wright Group management buyout in October 2020 and its record month on month growth throughout 2022. Whilst his current role carries substantial management responsibility, he is still actively involved in talent attraction, retention and development for Nigel Wright Group and its clients throughout America, the UK, Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
Picture of Paul Wilson

Paul Wilson

Paul Wilson was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Nigel Wright Group in January 2014. He has over 40 years of global recruitment industry experience in the UK and overseas. During his career, he has successfully built high performing teams and grown specialist recruitment businesses around the globe. Paul led the Nigel Wright Group management buyout in October 2020 and its record month on month growth throughout 2022. Whilst his current role carries substantial management responsibility, he is still actively involved in talent attraction, retention and development for Nigel Wright Group and its clients throughout America, the UK, Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
Employee Development - 5 Flexible Approaches that Work

Employee Development: 5 Flexible Approaches That Work

Over the last three years, flexible and agile work models have been at the forefront of workplace disruption. Emboldened by work-from-home standards enforced during the pandemic, companies across numerous industries stopped requiring employees to be present at the office everyday. Now, many of these organizations are enjoying improved productivity and performance. But how does employee development fit into these new work scenarios? Recognizing it’s time for large-scale change, more business leaders are willing to try new work methods, tools and solutions. With agility and flexibility at the heart of this ongoing workplace transformation, an increasing number of firms are now turning

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