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Picture of Peggy Smith

Peggy Smith

Peggy Smith, Worldwide ERC® President and Chief Executive Officer, is an experienced and innovative business leader and recognized global strategist. Peggy holds a BA in marketing from Seattle University, as well as both Worldwide ERC® designations: the Senior Certified Relocation Professional/SCRP® and the Senior Global Mobility Specialist/SGMS®-T (including the talent mobility certification). A frequent presenter at mobility and HR-related conferences around the world, Peggy has also guest-lectured on talent mobility at Georgetown University and Seattle University.
Picture of Peggy Smith

Peggy Smith

Peggy Smith, Worldwide ERC® President and Chief Executive Officer, is an experienced and innovative business leader and recognized global strategist. Peggy holds a BA in marketing from Seattle University, as well as both Worldwide ERC® designations: the Senior Certified Relocation Professional/SCRP® and the Senior Global Mobility Specialist/SGMS®-T (including the talent mobility certification). A frequent presenter at mobility and HR-related conferences around the world, Peggy has also guest-lectured on talent mobility at Georgetown University and Seattle University.

Reinventing Talent Management

It’s time for companies to enhance their internal talent management programs with a healthy dose of mobility insight! Mobility – the practice of managing domestic or global assignments so that a company has the right talent in place, where and when the placement will be most effective – is growing in importance to fulfill business strategy. Those companies who couple mobility expertise with human resource management methodologies and systems are cutting a new global workforce path for the long term. Here’s today’s talent scenario: Increased global opportunity and expansion are straining an already tight workforce. Companies doing business around the world

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