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Picture of Pooja Pillai

Pooja Pillai

Pooja is a communications professional who enjoys actively learning, and is now on a heady diet of HR concepts and trends. Also, she adores large, happy, barking, inquisitive & hug-able canines. You may read more of her HR-centric writing here - http://blog.empxtrack.com/
Picture of Pooja Pillai

Pooja Pillai

Pooja is a communications professional who enjoys actively learning, and is now on a heady diet of HR concepts and trends. Also, she adores large, happy, barking, inquisitive & hug-able canines. You may read more of her HR-centric writing here - http://blog.empxtrack.com/

Fishing For Top Talent

Reel In That Elusive Passive Candidate Passive candidates are like the rare and prized golden trout that every fly-fishing enthusiast (read: recruiter) would forfeit their right arm to catch. But it is more likely for those with the choicest bait (workplace incentives) & in-depth know-how to reel in the finest in the business. So what makes these passive candidates so special? Why should it matter to your company and how do you hook them in? Understand The Nature Of Your Potential Employee Catch To answer these questions, let us first look at understanding the “passive” candidate vis-à-vis “active” candidate, based on

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