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Picture of Rachel Stanley

Rachel Stanley

Rachel Stanley is VP of Customer Experience at Banzai. She joined the organization in 2019 with over 10 years of experience in SaaS onboarding, training, implementation, consulting, elearning, customer success, adoption, and support experience. When she joined Banzai, Customer Success was the company's only customer-facing job function. Since then, Rachel has added Onboarding, Support, and Customer Marketing, successfully creating a Customer Experience organization that has driven best-in-industry customer satisfaction, while significantly growing Banzai’s Net Retention Rate. Rachel is passionate about building high-functioning teams that consistently hit their objectives. Previously, she held roles at Amazon and ACS Technologies.
Picture of Rachel Stanley

Rachel Stanley

Rachel Stanley is VP of Customer Experience at Banzai. She joined the organization in 2019 with over 10 years of experience in SaaS onboarding, training, implementation, consulting, elearning, customer success, adoption, and support experience. When she joined Banzai, Customer Success was the company's only customer-facing job function. Since then, Rachel has added Onboarding, Support, and Customer Marketing, successfully creating a Customer Experience organization that has driven best-in-industry customer satisfaction, while significantly growing Banzai’s Net Retention Rate. Rachel is passionate about building high-functioning teams that consistently hit their objectives. Previously, she held roles at Amazon and ACS Technologies.
Can Essentialism Help Your Team Avoid Burnout - TalentCulture

Can Essentialism Help Your Team Avoid Burnout?

Imagine an organization that consistently delivers exceptional results, maintains high employee retention, and fosters a culture of growth and passion. This may seem beyond reach in a world where over 80% of employees are at risk of burning out. But I’d like to suggest a strategy that can help your organization avoid burnout while keeping employees energized, engaged, and thriving. It’s all about embracing essentialism as a guiding principle. What is Essentialism? Essentialism is a powerful tool enabling leaders to guide their teams to success, even when burnout has reached epidemic levels. Within the context of work, essentialism involves two key

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